As I make this last post for the calendar year … which is the first year of my blog … it occurs to me that I’ve posted a ton of information. And now it’s getting impossible to find anything … yikes!
If you’re wanting to refer back to something you read here previously, are new to the blog, or maybe just want a reminder of what you can find on this site, I’m hoping this post will help.
Quick Refresher … What the heck is this blog all about?
Are you sensing there’s more to life than we know … ?
Not sure what to make of it all … ?
Want to learn more but are worried people might think you’re crazy … ?
I get it. I created the Living With Spirit blog as a resource for those who are starting to suspect there is more to this life than what we perceive through our physical senses.
It is a blog which uses my own life experience, including the devastating loss of my husband in 2007, to tackle what this means, how it shows up, where to learn more, and, most importantly, how to make practical use of it in your life.
What is “it” exactly … ? Well, “it” would be the Universe, Source, God, All-That-Is, Creator, Divine, or whatever name you want to use. I mostly call it Spirit, or sometimes the Universe.
Okay, what’s in this blog and how do I find it … ?
The blog website has three sections of posts: My Back Story, Life With Spirit, and Resources. Each of these is briefly described below, followed by a complete list of their posts to-date. (Note: The Blog At A Glance section was a new addition in Nov 2022.)
On the blog, there are a couple of ways to search the posts … the standard Search feature and also Tags. The Tags feature allows posts to be categorized in various ways.
If you click on Tags, you’ll see the list of the categories I’ve included. There are about 20 in total, such as Spirit Communication, Guides & Angels, Law of Attraction, Dreams, Science, and so forth.
However, the categories are fairly broad if you’re trying to track down something specific, so that’s why I’ve briefly listed here all the posts I made this year. For each post, I have indicated when it was posted, a brief description of its key theme(s), and its length (number of words).
You’ll see several posts made in February, as I seeded the blog before going live, but in general, I post about twice a month.
So, what were all these posts … ?
Here’s a brief synopsis:
My Back Story (9 posts)
I started this blog with My Back Story. In addition to providing context, the overriding point of this story is to illustrate how the Universe … or Spirit … can show up in life … for ANY of us!
This is a nine-part story of how this spiritual journey started for me when … like you perhaps … I really started to suspect there was more to this life than what was readily apparent.
This story shares the role the Universe played in my life (without me even knowing it!) to nudge and help me along the way … through the untimely death of my husband, Ron, and into a complete about-face for my life.
Mos | Post Name | Key Theme(s) | Wds |
Feb | Part 1: Losing The Love Of My Life | Ron’s death and how Spirit originally brought us together. | 1600 |
Feb | Part 2: The Journey Here | Starting to explore what’s really out there … Law of Attraction, energy healing, insights from science, and a lesson from Spirit about energy frequencies. | 2015 |
Feb | Part 3: A Whack On The Side Of The Head | The seeds planted and watered by Spirit that led Ron and me to drastically refocus our life … another Spirit lesson. | 1372 |
Feb | Part 4: Spirit Lends A Hand | How Spirit assisted our transition to a new life, and more Spirit lessons about going with the flow. | 1040 |
Feb | Part 5: Warnings From Spirit | Spirit begins to send me messages … through a psychic medium and a dream … about what lay ahead for Ron. | 1172 |
Feb | Part 6: Paths Diverge | Reaching the end and saying goodbye. | 1168 |
Feb | Part 7: Picking Up The Pieces | The aftermath of losing my soulmate … and the “magic” from the Universe that started to ease the pain. | 1025 |
Feb | Part 8: Ron Reaches Across The Veil | Connecting with Ron on the Other Side through a psychic medium, and a lesson about the afterlife. | 1276 |
Feb | Part 9: Finding The Doorway To The Future | The realization … and Spirit lesson … that began the process of lifting me out of grief and turning my life around. | 1061 |
Life With Spirit (16 posts)
The Life With Spirit section picks up where My Back Story ends and is designed to continue to show how Spirit can help ALL of us!
For those suffering the grief of loss … these posts carry on the story of how Spirit continued to help me move through the grief of losing the love of my life.
For everyone … they show how Spirit can help any of us, using examples of how Spirit continues to assist me … nudging me onto the right path and supporting me through life’s inevitable challenges.
They describe lessons I’ve learned from Spirit, and highlight tools, techniques and signs to communicate with those on the Other Side.
Mos | Post Name | Key Theme(s) | Wds |
Feb | The Gift | Spirit uses a dream to convey a brief, but vital message for all …. | 476 |
Feb | Learning To Call On Spirit | How to call on spirit helpers for assistance. | 1217 |
Feb | Spirit Plays Musical Chairs | Fascinating manoeuvres Spirit can carry out to provide help, and a roadside sign from my dead husband. | 1194 |
Mar | Spirit Moves Me Forward … I Watch For Signs | Examples of how Spirit nudged me forward in this new life. Introduces ways loved ones connect (Messages from Loved Ones) … moving objects, noises, connecting with pets. | 2297 |
Apr | Merry Christmas, Love Ron | More examples of Messages from Loved Ones … finding lost items, distinctive aromas. | 1729 |
May | A Slow Learner (Part 1) | More Messages from Loved Ones … psychic mediums, electrical signals (phantom phone calls, lights, TVs, technology) … and wrestling with doubt about it all! | 1311 |
May | A Slow Learner (Part 2) | Part 2 continues with more Messages from Loved Ones … rainbows, music. Also introduces the Windbridge Research Centre (a non-profit that studies, “death, dying and what comes next”) offering a lesson in what to watch for in spirit communication. | 1315 |
Jun | A Tea Party | Tea leaf readings … what they are, and messages from Ron and Spirit during mine. Defining the “clairs” … voyance, audience, sentience, alience, gustance, cognizance. | 1581 |
Jun | Spirit’s Communication Grows Richer | Messages from Loved Ones … coins. Using cards (angel, oracle, Tarot) as a tool to connect with Spirit. | 1148 |
Jul | The Numbers Game | Repeating numbers, like 11:11. How Spirit uses these to send reassurance … and sometimes even guidance … to make life easier! | 2184 |
Aug | They GOLF in heaven?? (Part 1) | Spirit can even show up to offer physical support … as Ron does for me, through golf! | 1204 |
Aug | They GOLF in heaven?? (Part 2) | Insights into “life between lives” … which apparently can include golfing! | 1190 |
Sep | Caught on Camera | Orbs … what they are and what science has to say about them. Ron “shows up” on film. | 2214 |
Oct | The Swing of the Pendulum (Part 1) | Introducing the pendulum as a tool for communicating with the non-physical world. | 1036 |
Nov | The Swing of the Pendulum (Part 2) | Ron uses the pendulum to communicate a powerful message. A spirit guide helps to explain it. | 895 |
Nov | The Swing of the Pendulum (Part 3) | The aftermath of Ron’s message and the full import of its meaning. | 1572 |
Resources (17 posts)
This section is for those who are intrigued and wish to learn more about life’s Bigger Picture and how it all works.
These posts are about resources (primarily books for now) that I have found especially useful in doing this, and what makes them so meaningful.
One of the tags I use in this section is FAVOURITES. Although I recommend ALL of the resources I post, this tag marks those I’ve found particularly powerful, and in a few cases, actually life-changing … for me, at least.
You can use the tags feature on the blog to find my FAVOURITES, but I’ve also asterisked them here for ease of reference.
Mos | Post Name (Author) | Key Theme(s) | Wds |
Feb | BOOK: Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting (Lynn Grabhorn) | Great introduction to Law of Attraction, including several practical tips for using it. | 228 |
Feb | BOOK: The Law of Attraction (Michael J. Losier) | Straightforward, concise, how-to book for applying the Law of Attraction. | 104 |
Feb | *BOOK: Dying To Be Me (Anita Moorjani) | *A highly publicized near-death experience … Anita Moorjani “dies” from cancer, but chooses to return from the afterlife to share the lessons she learned from the Universe. | 230 |
Feb | BOOK: Proof of Heaven (Eben Alexander, M.D.) | A neurosurgeon’s journey into the afterlife through his near-death experience … a compelling read from a highly credible source. | 273 |
Feb | BOOK: To Heaven and Back (Mary C. Neal, M.D.) | An American orthopaedic surgeon drowns in a kayak accident … and comes back to tell the account of her death, heaven, angels, and her return to life. | 206 |
Feb | *BOOK: Journey of Souls (Michael Newton, Ph.D.) | *GAME-CHANGER: Compelling evidence of the afterlife … and how it works … based on accounts from thousands of hypnotherapy sessions conducted by a master hypnotherapist. | 592 |
Feb | *BOOK: The Biology of Belief (Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.) | *Mind over matter … the scientific proof for the layperson of how our thoughts control our body. | 619 |
Feb | WEBINARS: United in Hope and Healing (Eben Alexander, M.D. and Karen Newell) | A series of free webinars offering interviews with a variety of experts in fields related to consciousness. | 259 |
Feb | *BOOK: Final Gifts (Maggie Callanan and Patricia Kelley) | *Two hospice nurses describe the special awareness, needs, and communications of the dying … so we can help ensure a peaceful death for our loved ones. It also offers a compelling look into what may come next …. | 225 |
Mar | *BOOK: My Stroke of Insight (Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D.) | *A Harvard-trained brain scientist undergoes a massive stroke in the left side of her brain … and gleans profound insights about the connection between the right brain and universal consciousness. | 465 |
Apr | BOOK: The Light Between Us (Laura Lynne Jackson) | Written by a certified medium, illustrates what psychic mediumship is, the healing it can bring, and the lessons it reveals. | 482 |
May | BOOK: The Power of Premonitions (Larry Dossey, M.D.) | Written by a medical doctor … a well-researched and presented work on the nature of consciousness and the mind, using premonitions as the main focus. | 1985 |
Jun | BOOK: Ask and It Is Given (Esther and Jerry Hicks – The Teachings of Abraham) | A valuable resource to understand the workings of the Law of Attraction, and for helpful tips on how to raise your vibration to take full advantage of it … and of life! | 740 |
Jul | *BOOK: After (Bruce Grayson, M.D.) | *Newly released, the easy-to-read results of a medical doctor’s 45 years of research into near-death experiences … what it revealed about the relationship between the mind and the brain, consciousness, and the continuity of life beyond death. | 1729 |
Sep | BOOK: Ghosts Among Us (James Van Praagh) | Written by a world-renowned medium, shares a variety of insights into the “non-physical” side of life. Consider it a “primer” on the world of spirits. | 1047 |
Oct | BOOK: Many Lives, Many Masters (Brian L. Weiss, M.D.) | One of the earlier classics … an esteemed psychiatrist and his patient unexpectedly delve into past lives … and more … changing both of their current lives! | 953 |
Dec | *BOOK: The Astonishing Power of Emotions (Esther and Jerry Hicks – The Teachings of Abraham) | *A simple but profound teaching to help address numerous life challenges .. a shift of perspective that changes everything. | 1227 |
That’s a wrap for 2021!
Thanks for being with me through this year!
I’ll be back in the New Year … with the story of how the Universe orchestrated the introduction to my new life partner … and what my dead husband thought of it all!
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In the meantime …