About … This Blog
The Idea
This a blog about living with spirit … or more precisely, living with Spirit. Or … God, Source, Higher Self, Universe, … whatever label works for you.
Or maybe you don’t even know how to label it yet. Regardless, if you are starting to suspect there is more to this life than what we perceive through our physical senses, then this blog is meant for you.
“Living With Spirit” is a blog which tackles what this means, how it shows up, where to learn more, and, most importantly, how to make practical use of it in your life.
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Here’s what you’ll find …
My Back Story
The nine-part story of how this journey began for me … facing the greatest loss of my life and navigating through its grief and heartache. Then emerging to find a doorway leading to a life full of joy and meaning. And discovering it was Spirit that led the way.
Life With Spirit
How Spirit walked me through the doorway and continues alongside me. Here I share lessons learned about the Bigger Picture of life from years of study and personal experience, including tools, techniques, and signs to tap into this greater reality.
Books, websites, webinars, speakers, practitioners … that I have found particularly useful in providing a more detailed and fuller understanding of all of this. I recommend all of these resources and have tagged my FAVOURITES.
At A Glance
Posts to help find information quickly … tools, techniques, concepts that are imbedded in other longer posts are pulled out here. This section also includes “Blog At A Glance” posts … year-end summaries of the entire blog, including a quick-reference listing of all posts made in the year, with direct links for easy access.
About … Me
Who am I to write this blog?
I’m just like you, but … I’ve studied it, learned it, experienced it, and lived it. And I can share what I’ve learned without all the foo-foo and woo-woo. (Well, it may seem like there’s “woo-woo” but, in fact, I’ve learned there truly isn’t.)

Feet firmly planted on the ground
Born in Canada in 1960 to a traditional family, the middle child of five, I come from a very left-brained, pragmatic upbringing. Religion was absent from our household.
My father was a businessman, an entrepreneur, steeped in conventional thinking, having been raised that way. My mother was also a product of her generation. She occasionally revealed a deeper side to her that we kids scoffed at, rolling our eyes at her mention of “spirit guides.” Her “crazy notions” seemed to disappear over the years.
Following in my father’s footsteps, my own path was quite traditional … I went to university, graduated in business, and took a job with a global business and technology consulting firm.
This led to partnership in a local consulting firm, where I carried on my career … until “fate” stepped in, forcing me into premature retirement. But, more on that later.
So, pretty much an unremarkable story. Unlike almost everyone I have ever come across in this field (or frankly even many of my friends!), I am NOT one who became involved with Spirit naturally.
I did not have an “invisible friend” as a child … nor “see Grandma” in my room the night she died … nor survive a near-death experience that changed my life and left me with cool psychic powers.
Nope, I’m just ordinary.
How did I stumble onto this path? 
I was living a rather successful life as a businesswoman … financially secure, married to the love of my life, happy for the freedom that life without kids entailed … yet feeling I was on the wrong track in life and not really sure what to do about it.
One day, I got it. Well, not actually “one day,” but over a period of time, starting when I’d just turned 44 …
A conversation with a colleague about a bizarre but intriguing concept started a journey for me into this world. And the only way I knew to pursue it was from the perspective of my well-developed left-brain orientation … researching, reading, discussions, observation, training.
Shortly thereafter, I found myself drawn into the field of energy healing. A field steeped in this world I had just begun to explore. I pursued the path to (BodyTalk) certification and soaked in all the learning that entailed.
Research by the numbers
I added it up and found I have:
- read over 200 books on … spirit communication (mediumship, channeling, signs, angels, psychic skills, law of attraction, memoirs), consciousness research and experiences (near-death experiences, shared death experiences, past lives, mediumship investigation), other related science (quantum physics, workings of the universe), … death and dying … healing … and self-help;
- attended 54 days of focused healing-related training (BodyTalk, Reiki, anatomy & physiology, medical terminology, animal healing, Chinese medicine); and,
- immersed myself in metaphysical, spirituality, death, dying, grief, and other healing events – attending 24 additional courses and 11 in-person and online conferences, coordinating or participating in 13 public and private special interest groups, and taking in hundreds of webinars and presentations.
So, where did this all lead … ?
I have learned there is life behind life … a Bigger Picture to our existence that offers a different perspective from our everyday view on the ground. And it has completely transformed how I view life … how I live it … and how I experience it.
At the end of the day, I can only describe what I’ve experienced, how it impacted me and what I learned from and about it. But perhaps it starts a conversation … jogs a similar thought in your mind … prompts guffaws of disbelief that lead to discussion with a friend.
Perhaps it reinforces some of what you already know. Perhaps there’s nothing here of interest for you.
Or perhaps it will completely change your life.