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This is the final post for Year 2 of this blog.  In the new year, we’ll return to finish the Rainbow Bridge posts, but before we flip over the calendar, I want to give you an easy way to look back over the year we’ve just finished.

So, here’s a year-end summary that contains a brief recap of 2022, along with a listing of its posts, including links for easy access. 

(For the Year 1 recap, click here. Also note there’s now a menu option on the site that will take you directly to these year-end summaries … At A Glance. Or, if you’re new to the blog and are simply wondering what the heck it’s all about, check out What Is This?)

Year 2 Highlights

In addition to sharing how Spirit has shown up in my life … simply to demonstrate how it can for all of us … this year presented an amazing opportunity … 

Kid Wisdom

We were treated to a first-hand accounting of how the Other Side works.


From a six-year-old

I kid you not!  (Er, so to speak …)

Yes, it was a surprise conversation initiated by my grandson Huxley.  He didn’t tell us everything about how the spirit world works of course, but he did give us some pretty cool insights.

Insights that have also been discovered by experts in the fields of science, hypnotherapy, mediumship and more.

Absolutely mind-boggling!

So, as you peruse the list of the year’s posts below, I would encourage you to check out the series of Kid Wisdom posts where I share this magical encounter … and I also cross-check with related findings from experts.

Heart Magic

One other highlight from the year was a discovery I made in my investigations that was so profound, I paused the telling of my own experiences with Spirit to share it.

And what was this profound discovery?

A specific revelation from scientific research into how life really works … one that shows us how to unlock an innate ability we each have to physically and tangibly uplift ourselves, our loved ones, AND the world

An ability so simple, it’s amazing.

You’ll find this described in the Heart Magic posts.

The blog’s original mission remains the same …

Living With Spirit remains committed to be a resource for those who are starting to suspect there is more to this life than what we perceive through our physical senses.

It tackles what this meanshow it shows upwhere to learn more, and most importantly, how to make practical use of it in your life.

And what do I mean by “it” … ?

The Universe, Source, God, All-That-Is, Creator, Divine, or whatever name you wish to use.  I still mostly call it Spirit or the Universe.

Navigational Reminders …

The blog website has four categories of posts (menu options): 

  • My Back Story … how I got started in all this
  • Life With Spirit … stories, examples, and insights into the Bigger Picture of life
  • Resources … recommended books, websites, and more, to check out if you want to dig deeper
  • At A Glance … posts that summarize information on the website

Within these menu options, there are two ways to specifically search the posts … the standard Search feature and Tags

Here are the posts for 2022 …

Below are all the posts made this year, listed by category … including when it was posted, a brief description of its key theme(s), and its length (number of words). 

Life With Spirit  (16 posts in 2022)

Posts in this category describe experiences I’ve had with Spirit and lessons learned about the greater reality of life.  They also highlight tools, techniques, and signs to tap into this greater reality. 

MosPost NameKey Theme(s)Wds
JanSpirit Plays Matchmaker (Part 1)How the Universe led me to my new life partner … and what my dead husband thought of it all!1925
JanSpirit Plays Matchmaker (Part 2)How the Universe’s matchmaking antics in my life continued.2049
FebMarry Again?  Not So Fast!The rocky road to a new marriage and how Spirit helped to clear the way.1930
FebCan Lightning Really Strike Twice … ?My dead husband and Spirit weigh in on whether my choice of a new husband was the right one. (Spoiler alert … well, you figure it out! lol)2253
MarHeart Magic (Part 1)Introducing scientific research conducted by the HeartMath Institute that shows us how to unlock our innate ability to change ourselves … our loved ones … and the world1946
AprHeart Magic (Part 2)The conclusion to describing this stunning research regarding the very real and wide-reaching power of our heart and our emotions1799
MayKid Wisdom (Part 1)The first of the series of posts revealing insights into the world of Spirit, courtesy of my 6-year-old grandson.  Part 1 provides background, addressing the role children often play in sharing stories from the Other Side.1493
MayKid Wisdom (Part 2 – Setting the Stage)Part 2 sets the stage as to how this conversation came about, and why the learnings shared weren’t simply the product of a child’s imagination.1587
JunKid Wisdom (Part 3 – Planning Ahead)Part 3 begins to share the insights, starting with a stunning revelation … we plan parts of our life before we’re born.2644
JunKid Wisdom (Part 4 – Places in Spirit)Part 4 reveals something about how the Other Side is … well, laid out, so to speak.2206
JulKid Wisdom (Part 5 – Out of Body)Part 5 describes how you don’t actually need to die to get into “heaven” … yikes!2360
JulKid Wisdom (Part 6 – I Want It Now!)Part 6 reveals an intriguing insight into what life IN the spirit world is actually like.2080
AugKid Wisdom (Part 7 – The Big Web)In addition to wrapping up the series, Part 7 presents one last insight … one that goes to the heart of who we truly are.3023
OctFour-legged FarewellThe four-legged farewell … how Spirit can help to ease the pain of what can be one of life’s most difficult challenges.1919
NovRainbow Bridge (Part 1)Yes, losing a pet can be super hard.  What do we know about what happens to them afterward?  Part 1 begins this exploration with … do they too go to the Other Side?2326

Resources  (3 posts in 2022)

This section is for selected books, websites, and other resources I’ve come across I’d highly recommend for those who are interested in exploring further, to learn more about life’s Bigger Picture and how it all works. 

MosPost Name (Author)Key Theme(s)Wds
MarBOOK:  Evidence of the Afterlife   (Jeffrey Long, M.D.)This book provides the layperson with fascinating insights into what science has discovered about the possibility of an afterlife … an enthralling, informative, and easy read.1073
AprBOOK:  Visions, Trips, and Crowded Rooms   (David Kessler)A gentle entrée into the possibility that life holds more than we see around us, … sharing the experiences of those who are on death’s doorstep.737
SepWEBSITE:  Dying, Death, and What Comes Next (Windbridge)A non-profit organization (Windbridge Research Center) dedicated to scientific research and (free) education about “dying, death, and what comes next.”1158

That’s all for 2022!

Thanks for your continued interest! 

As mentioned above, I’ll be back in the New Year to continue our exploration of what it is that happens to our pets after they leave this life … and whether they really do continue to communicate with us!  

(Communicate??  But, but … animals CAN’T TALK!!  Yes, yes, I heard you last time … twice, ahem!  Just be patient, because that’s some of what we’ll look at in Part 2.)

By the way, if you haven’t yet signed up for email notifications of new postings and wish to do so, click here

In the meantime … Happy Holidays!

Categories: At A Glance


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