(Note: Audio playback is not able to read the details of the post listings below.)
This final post for Year 4 of Living With Spirit offers an easy way to check out the blog’s activity over the year. It includes a brief recap of 2024 and a listing of its posts with direct links for easy access.
(For previous years’ recaps, check out At A Glance. Or, if you’re new to the blog and are simply wondering what it’s all about, check out What Is This?)
Year 4 Highlights – Talk WITH the Dead
There was a definite theme that emerged in the posts this year … an exploration of ways we can communicate WITH our departed loved ones in Spirit.
Many of us are starting to open to the idea that consciousness appears to survive the physical death of the body. In fact, if you’re reading this, you’re likely one of them. And we also accept that we can talk TO our departed loved ones anytime.
But here’s the kicker … how can we hear them back?
This is a common struggle and seemed a worthy question to address. So, I started with publishing a post about mediumship … the way that seemed most obvious to me. I mean, having someone who can connect directly with my person and tell me what they’re saying? Well, that’s pretty cool.
But I’d also recently come across a compelling book that speaks to this subject from a much broader perspective than mediumship … “Love and the Afterlife.”
It was written by research scientist Julie Beischel, PhD, and includes the scientific evidence for what she describes. As you may have noticed, I’m a sucker for science-based insights, so I figured it would be a good resource to draw upon.
I decided to share key highlights from this book, and perhaps inject a couple of ideas from my own experience. I realized this would likely be too much for a single post … yeah, two should do it.
HAH! I finally wrapped up the series last month, NINE posts later ….
So, my apologies for the mundane post titles I kind of got locked into as this exploration unfolded, but it turns out there’s lots to talk about when we’re discussing how we can communicate with the Other Side! Who knew?
Imbedded in some of the posts are do-it-yourself communication techniques that you may be interested in referencing again. So, in the future, I’ll pull out a few key ones and will add them to the At A Glance section to help you find them more easily. (Note: I’ve previously posted one of them there already … Intuitive Writing.)
In the meantime, they’re all listed here.
The posts for 2024 …
Okay, here are all the posts made this year, grouped by category (or website menu option). Included for each are … when it was posted, a brief description of its key theme, and its length (number of words).
Life With Spirit (10 posts in 2024)
As a reminder, posts in this category describe personal experiences with Spirit and lessons learned about the greater reality of life, including tools, techniques, and signs to tap into this greater reality. This is where almost all of this year’s posts will be found.
Mos | Post Name | Key Theme | Wds |
Feb | Mediumship? What’s the point? | Potential benefits of having a mediumship reading to connect with a departed loved one. | 1612 |
Mar | Talk With The Dead (Part 1) – “Spontaneous” | Introducing the “Talk With The Dead” series based on the book, “Love and the Afterlife” by Julie Beischel, PhD, who defines 4 types of after-death communication (ADC). The series starts by discussing what Beischel calls “Spontaneous” ADCs … the various ways our loved ones will reach out to us themselves, making their presence known or sending us signs. | 2175 |
Apr | Talk With The Dead (Part 2) – “Facilitated” | Next up is “Facilitated” ADCs … specifically Psychomanteum-Induced ADCs and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)-Induced ADCs. | 1150 |
May | Talk With The Dead (Part 3) – “Assisted” | Followed by “Assisted” ADCs … communication using mediums. | 1547 |
Jun | Talk With The Dead (Part 4A) – “Requested” | And lastly, “Requested” ADCs, which is everything else (and takes these next 6 posts to explore). First up is Thought Request, a technique used in much of our communication with Spirit. | 1211 |
Jul | Talk With The Dead (Part 4B) – “Requested” | Intuitive Writing and a Listening Practice to receive communication. | 1493 |
Aug | Talk With The Dead (Part 4C) – “Requested” | Using a Pendulum to ask and receive answers. | 1430 |
Sep | Talk With The Dead (Part 4D) – “Requested” | Using Cards (Oracle, Tarot, etc.) to receive answers or insights to questions. | 1189 |
Oct | Talk With The Dead (Part 4E) – “Requested” | Inviting our loved one to “Join In” … asking them to make their presence known by being part of an activity we’re undertaking. | 1209 |
Nov | Talk With The Dead (Part 4F) – “Requested” | A wrap-up to “Requested” ADCs, briefly introducing two final ADC techniques … Psychoactive Drugs and Instrumental Trans-Communication. Also a wrap-up to the full series, including suggestions for next steps. Whew! | 1696 |
Resources (0 posts in 2024)
This section features selected books, websites, and other resources I’ve come across that I recommend for those who wish to explore more deeply life’s Bigger Picture and how it all works.
Although I didn’t add new resources this year, the book we spent most of the year focused on … “Love and the Afterlife” … is posted here.
At A Glance (1 post in 2024)
This category is designed to help find information quickly … certain tools, techniques, concepts, some of which may be imbedded elsewhere on the blog, along with year-end blog summaries.
This is where I started the year, offering a suggestion for how to help out in turbulent times …
Mos | Post Name | Key Theme | Wds |
Jan | How to REALLY send “thoughts and prayers” | A technique for uplifting someone or something … from afar … that is scientifically proven to make a difference. | 846 |
That wraps up 2024
This brings Year 4 to a close. I hope you’re enjoying this journey with me, exploring the existence and nature of the so-called spirit world, and the why’s and how’s of communicating with it.
As we move into the New Year, we’ll continue the theme of spirit world communication by reviewing a classic publication that was the first to dive deeply into this topic.
It’s another of “those” books that’s taken me forever to check out … you know the ones, published YEARS ago, so really, what can it possibly still have to offer?
HAH! Turns out, it’s a gold mine.
After that, we’ll see where the year takes us … I’m always as surprised as anybody. But there is one event I am anticipating … super exciting news about life after death to be released by a scientific research group at one of America’s universities. And get this …
They say it will include a demonstration of PROVEN technology to communicate with our departed loved ones.
Wow, very cool. When it’s released, I’ll be sure to bring it to your attention.
In the meantime, if you haven’t yet signed up for email notifications of new postings and wish to do so, click here.
Until January …