We’re back to continue our discussion of ways to communicate with deceased loved ones and other spirit beings on the Other Side. You with me?
Yeah, still here …
Okay, good. Recall that the book we’ve been following as a framework for our discussion … “Love and the Afterlife” by scientist Julie Beischel, PhD … describes four types of approaches to after-death communication (ADC).
Yeah, a long (long) time ago, we talked ‘bout the first ones. For the last while, we been lookin’ at the last type … uh, “Requested,” I think.
Right, “Requested ADCs” is the catch-all type of after-death communication that covers everything not included in the first three types (Spontaneous, Facilitated, Assisted).
So far, the “Requested” options we’ve looked at are thought request, intuitive writing, and listening practice.
TYPE 4 – “Requested” ADCs (continued)
The communication tool we’ll talk about in this post is not one Beischel discusses, but it definitely qualifies as a tool for requested after-death communication.
So, what is it … ?
It’s a pendulum. I’ve used one a lot over the years and have personally experienced its power, which can be quite stunning. In fact, you may remember me talking about it in previous posts.
Nah, don’t recall any of that, so waddya mean, a pendulum … ?
What’s a pendulum?
You know, like the dictionary says … a weight hung from a fixed point so that it can swing freely backward and forward.
Oh. Hmm, really?
Yes, a tool like this can be used to open a line of communication with those in the spirit world.
I think the idea is that it’s simply a manipulation of energy … kind of like when a departed loved one plays around with the lights, which many people have reported happening. Except in this case, energy is used to influence the movement of a pendulum.
And the cool thing is, like so much communication with the spirit world, anyone can do it!
Anyone, eh? Well, you’re gonna have to step me through it ….
Sure, let’s do that.
Getting Started
Here’s the concept …
Take an object which has some weight to it and comes to a fixed point … a pendant, for example … and attach it to a chain, or anything that can move freely.
Set the Stage
Then take a minute to set the stage. By the way, these next 3 steps are good practice to follow whenever and however you’re looking to connect with the spirit world …
- Become quiet and calm your energy … maybe breathe deeply a few times.
- Set an intention for who you want to communicate with … a specific loved one, a spirit guide, or perhaps simply just “higher wisdom” to provide guidance in your best interest.
- Open your heart to receive what comes.
Got those?
Yeah, think so.
Calibrate the Pendulum
Now, turn your attention to the pendulum. Hold the end of the chain lightly in your fingers, so that it’s hanging straight down and your fingers or hands won’t influence its movement.
The most basic use of the pendulum is simply to ask yes/no questions. So, we start by establishing which movement will correspond to each of those answers.
Step 1 – Show a “yes”
Allow the pendant to come to a rest, then either out loud or to yourself, ask to be shown the movement that will correspond with a “yes” answer.
The pendulum will start to move … typically either side-to-side or front-to-back.
Seriously? Ya mean without actually, you know, swingin’ it?
Yes, of course. That’s the whole idea, right? Your spirit person is influencing it.
So, when it moves, notice the direction. When you see this movement again later, it will mean you’re receiving a positive response to whatever you’re asking about.
Step 2 – Reset
When that’s firmly established, ask the pendulum to please stop. And yes, use “please” because you’re not actually talking to a piece of jewelry … you’re talking to whomever is on the Other Side, ready to talk with you.
Uh, right.
Step 3 – Show a “no”
Once the pendulum has stopped, ask to be shown a “no.” The pendulum will start to move once more, again on its own. Usually, it will be in the other direction than what you just saw. Notice it and ask the pendulum to (please) stop.
But, what if … ?
What if when I use it, it moves, but like in a different way … you know, like a circle or something?
Any other movement than what you’ve just been shown … could be a circle, diagonally, or just not moving at all … is either “maybe,” “doesn’t matter,” or “nope, not gonna tell ya.”
‘Nope’ … ?? What the … ?
Sure, this can happen, because there are times when we’re really not meant to know the answer to the question we’re asking … either not yet or perhaps ever.
Or it may also mean you’re not in the right frame of mind and need to try again later.
Hmm, okay ….
Otherwise, you’re ready to start asking questions.
What kind of questions?
So, like, what kind of questions can I ask?
Anything really … but the key is to word them clearly and in such a way that they can be answered with a yes or a no.
It can be something simple and fun, like whether your loved one is here, or maybe if they like the new sofa you bought. Or it can be something helpful, like whether it’s a good idea to send that message to your boss.
Oh, yeah … could’a used that one last week ….
It can also be something more significant, like asking for input on an important or challenging decision you’re wrestling with. But always remember …
Just as when you get input from any friends or advisors, it doesn’t mean you have to follow it. The decision is always, always yours.
Right, good reminder. So, what ‘bout asking for this week’s lottery numbers? That’d be useful!
Uh, no. I’ve noticed if I’m trying something like that, or I’m playing outside my own sandbox by trying to get an answer about someone else’s life, the answers either don’t come, or if they do, I can’t trust them.
It seems like, at least for me, the questions have to be relevant to what’s in front of me right now. And they have to be important for me to know, whether big or small. I can’t say whether this is the case for everyone, but it seems to make sense.
Hmm, s’pose so.
But some people can do even more
But there’s more you may be able to learn to do. I have a good friend who became a whiz with the pendulum. She was able to hold it over a chart of the alphabet, like this one …

… and the pendant would swing over to different letters to spell out words. Which then strung together to form sentences.
Ooh! That’s a lot better than just yes’s and no’s.
For sure. In fact, this is where the pendulum’s true power shows itself and how it’s been so meaningful for me. It can take a while … you know, one letter at a time … but it’s been so worth it.
If you’re interested, here are examples where we used it to connect with departed loved ones … The Swing of the Pendulum and Meet Up At Your Funeral…? (Part 2).
By the way, there are other charts available that use the same idea but are fancier, or are designed to focus on a particular topic, like relationships. You can search online for “pendulum dowsing charts” and check them out, if you’re interested. But in my experience, this basic chart seems to work well.
And that’s how it works …
So, there you have it! If you give this a try, you may find you’re a whiz with it, able to read an alphabet chart right away. Or you may find you’re like me, limited to yes/no questions.
In either case, it’s another tool which can be used to open a direct line of two-way communication with someone on the Other Side.
In our next post, we’ll continue with a look at yet another of the suggested tools Dr. Beischel recommends in her book.
Which one’s that?
Tune in next time and find out!
Let’s Share
Do you have experience using a pendulum, or tips for how to do so? I’d love to hear about it in the Comments below.
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