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In this series of posts about ways to connect with the Other Side, recall we’ve been following along with scientist Julie Beischel, PhD in her book Love and the Afterlife … in particular, about her four main types of after-death communication (ADC).

Yeah, yeah … you remind me every time.

Okay, well last time, we began to discuss the fourth and final type … “Requested” ADCs.

This is the catch-all category for everything not covered elsewhere and focuses mostly on ways we can reach out to loved ones ourselves. Beischel offers some suggested approaches in her book and I’m adding others where I can.

Right … last time, it was ‘bout just thinking up stuff. 

Uh, sure, in a manner of speaking.  What we reviewed was using a “thought request” as a way of inviting our loved one to give us a message, or even just a sign to indicate they’re around. 

This post will highlight two more options I’ve come across … intuitive writing and a listening practice.

TYPE 4 – “Requested” ADCs (continued)

When we talked last time about using a thought request, I pointed out it may take time to get a response, and you asked if there were ways to have faster communication.

Yeah, I’m not so patient.

Fair enough.  Well, intuitive writing is one of the ways that can elicit immediate feedback.

Cool.  What’s that ‘bout?

Intuitive Writing

Intuitive writing is a communication technique I first learned from renowned channeler Lee Harris and it’s since become a fave of mine. 

It’s also used in the Life With Ghosts documentary I mentioned in Part 2.  If you watch the film, you’ll see a real-life example of a widow who’s used this technique for years to communicate with her departed husband.

Writing for years?  That’s gotta be one BIG stack of papers ….

For sure!  And she says it’s given her tremendous comfort.

The Technique – Intuitive Writing

In a nutshell, here’s how it works …

First, decide who you want to connect with and focus on them.  It could be a loved one … but it could also be another source in Spirit, like a spirit guide, an angel, your higher self, or simply just “higher wisdom.”

Second, ask a question … in your head, out loud, or write it down. 

Third, record whatever response comes to you … without thinking about what you’re writing. 

And voila, that’s it! 

That’s it?

Yup.  It’s super simple, but the key to it is this … when you’re writing the answer, you have to set aside doubt and trust what you’re getting.

Uh, huh, yeah sure.  And how I’m s’posed to trust this isn’t just my mind talking, since I’m the one doing the writing and all?

I get it … that’s definitely the most difficult part of this communication method and it’s something I really struggled with too. 

However, I found that with time, repetition, and some validating results along the way, it became much easier to trust it was the real deal. 

Whaddya mean … ‘validating results’?

Well, for example, there are times when the message that comes to me relates to an issue I’ve been wrestling with but haven’t figured out how to resolve.  And afterward, when I read what I’ve written, I find myself thinking, “Of course, that makes perfect sense!” 

It’s often something that gives me a new perspective on the situation … one that turns my thinking around and helps me to see it differently.  As a result, the issue is made much easier, or in some cases, simply dissolves. 

But where’s it REALLY coming from?

Yeah, okay, but still … isn’t that just your own mind comin’ up with answers?

You know, to be honest, as long as it’s helpful, I don’t actually care.  But that said, I truly don’t think it’s “just my mind.”

How d’ya know?

Well, the writing flows in a way it wouldn’t if I were trying to come up with it on my own.  The ideas and words just fly through my fingers.  I mean, they didn’t at first, but over time, that’s really changed. 

Also, there are instances when what I’ve written includes words I don’t personally use … in some cases, don’t even know the meaning of!  Yet when I look them up, I find they exactly fit the context.  

Finally, intriguing messages arise occasionally that provide helpful guidance for an issue I haven’t actually encountered … but end up doing so later that same day!

Ooh!  That’s … spooky.

In fact, it’s super helpful … plus as I say, very validating.

But, hey, let’s ask an expert about this …

According to channeler Lee Harris

As it happens, I literally just received an email from channeler Lee Harris where he addresses this same question … How do we know what we’re getting is authentic?

He responds …

  • “You’re receiving information different from your usual thoughts, offering a more expansive perspective.
  • You feel uplifted, inspired, and empowered by the insights received.
  • You experience a broadening of personal views and understanding of situations.”

That’s kinda what you said ….

Yeah, I thought so too.

Remember, this technique of intuitive writing can be used to talk with anyone we’ve got a connection with on the Other Side … it’s simply a matter of who we focus our attention on. 

I most often ask for messages from “higher wisdom,” but I’ve also used it to connect with a loved one.  (See Meet Up At Your Funeral … ? for an example.) 

Hmm.  Sounds kinda intriguing ….

It is, for sure.  And what’s awesome is we can ALL do it.  So, if it draws your interest, give it a try for a while and see what you think. 

By the way, I recently posted about this particular technique and how to do it.  If you want a fuller description, check out my post … Intuitive Writing.  Also, as mentioned above, you can watch the Life With Ghosts documentary (available here) to see a real-life example.

Listening Practice – a variation

While we’re here, I want to briefly address one more option which is really a variation of intuitive writing … something I refer to as a listening practice.

I recently learned about this from world-renowned psychic medium Suzanne Giesemann.  She discussed it in one of her Messages of Hope podcasts with her guest … oncological-researcher-turned-medium Cheryl Page.

Whaaa … ?  With who now?

I know, cool, right?  A cancer scientist, who became a medium, and was talking with Giesemann about mediumship.  What a hoot!

So, this listening practice combines intuitive writing and meditation, a practice we’re often advised to take up if we want to communicate with Spirit. 

Meditation?  Yuuch!  That never works for me.

I get it.  Meditation can be difficult and intimidating for many people.  But this different take on it may be worth trying. 

The Technique – Listening Practice

Giesemann describes the technique this way …

Sit … have a notepad in your lap … and listen for your loved one.

Yeah, uh huh … and then?

Then nothing … that’s all there is to it.  Sit, notepad, listen for loved one.

Often in learning to meditate, we’re told to pay attention to our breath, or watch our thoughts come and go, stuff like that.  There’s nothing wrong with that, but for this technique, her point is do nothing but listen for your loved one.  When other thoughts arise, just let them go and keep listening.

She says this singular focus is what makes the difference … it causes us to set aside everything that isn’t our loved one and allows us to start hearing “what stands out from the noise.”

You mean, I’ll actually hear my person?  Like, their own voice?

Well, although that’s possible, it doesn’t usually happen like that.  It’s the same as when we’re doing intuitive writing … most common is hearing words in our head, typically in our own voice.  Sometimes, it may even come as just a “knowing” or feeling of something having been said.


So, in this practice, we need to be open to how we’ll “hear” our loved one.  Over time, Giesemann says, we will begin to notice the difference between our own thoughts and thoughts that are given to us by Spirit.

Hmm, sounds like something I could maybe, you know, try.

Sure, if it appeals, do try.  And again, stick with it awhile to give it a chance.

So, there you go!  Two more possibilities to consider for communicating with the Other Side. 

Next time, we’ll look at one more.  Like these two we’ve just covered, it’s not one Beischel mentions in her book, but it’s also one I and others have had amazing success with.

Let’s Share

Your turn … do you have experience with intuitive writing or simply sitting and listening for your loved one?  Did you feel you received a response?

Please share in the Comments below.

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