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As we’ve been discussing ways to communicate with our loved ones on the Other Side, we’ve been following the framework provided by Julie Beischel, PhD in her book Love and the Afterlife.

Hmm, been too long … remind me, who’s this ‘Byshell’ person?

Beischel is a classically-trained scientist and Research Director for the Windbridge Research Center (WRC) … an organization whose mission is to “ease suffering around dying, death, and what comes next by performing rigorous scientific research and sharing the results.”

Oh yeah, I ‘member now.

And recall that through their research, the team at WRC has discovered four main types of after-death communication (ADC), which Beischel describes in her book and we’ve been exploring in these posts.

We started by discussing the first three types of ADCs (Spontaneous, Facilitated, Assisted), and then began delving into the many options available in the fourth … Requested ADCs.

TYPE 4 – “Requested” ADCs (continued)

Yeah, and these ‘Requested’ are ones we can do on our own, right?

Yes, unlike the first three types of ADCs, communication options considered to be of the “Requested” type are (almost) all ones we can do ourselves.

In fact, the options in this category we’ve discussed so far (Thought Request, Intuitive Writing, Listening Practice, Using a Pendulum, Using Cards) are all do-it-yourself.  They’re ones either Beischel writes about or I’ve come across in my own experience. 

We’ve got one more DIY option to look at and it too is one Beischel describes in her book.

Which is … ?

Inviting our spirit person to “join in” and work through us.

Inviting Our Loved Ones to Join In

Huh?  I don’t get it.  What’s that mean … ?

It means having a spirit loved one take part in an activity we’re undertaking and by doing so, be part of the outcome. 

Uh huh, sure.  Ha, ha …

Wait … you serious??

Yes, this really is a thing.  The idea is they will inspire us to make certain moves or decisions throughout the activity, so that the result is actually a joint effort.

It seems to work particularly well when we’re doing something creative … art, crafts, writing, that sort of thing … but it can work in other activities too.

Well, I’ll be … go figure. 

How do we do this?

So, like, how do we do this … ?

It’s super simple.  Remember the thought request we talked about early on?

Yeah …

We use that.  We simply send out a thought request to ask our loved one to join in.  Which means we open our heart, turn our focus to them, and tell them what we have in mind.  Then, of course, we have to trust it’s possible. 

That sounds easy ‘nuff, I guess.

Now, be aware that whether or not they do join in is their choice … just like it would be if they were physically still here.

Whaddya mean … their choice?  Aren’t they always with us?

I know it’s hard to wrap our heads around, but like I’ve said before, our spirit people are, well … people.  Just, you know, without the physical body.  And as I understand it, like us, they still make their own decisions about what they do, wherever they are.  

But what I also understand from many sources, including Dr. Beischel, is that bonds of love endure.  And when the love is strong … I mean, wouldn’t you want to show up for your loved one?

Well, sure.

Right, and it seems they do too.

So, how d’ya know if they’re really there?

Some people can sense it while it’s happening, but if not, the results usually give it away.  For example, I’ve heard several authors say of their own work, “I didn’t actually write that.  I don’t know where those words came from.”

I’ve heard the same from musicians and others too.  If we actually allow for the possibility, invite it to happen, and allow our intuition to guide our actions, the results can be stunning.

An example of Spirit “joining in”

In my family, it would happen for my mom.  She was a talented artist and at times would produce paintings she swore she had very little to do with.  

The way she approached it was to pour a variety of coloured paints onto a stretched canvas, cover it tightly with plastic wrap, and then let it sit for a few days.  When she’d come back to check it, she’d often find figures and shapes had emerged, making beautiful, intriguing creations. 

No kidding!

Seriously.  In her case, she didn’t feel it was the actions of a specific departed loved one, but rather, of a spirit guide.  But that’s simply a matter of how you set your intention.

Here’s just one of the paintings Mom did in this way.  She calls it “Icelandic Little People.”  Her family came from Iceland and she felt the connection as soon as she saw the canvas.

Remember, this image appeared all on its own

“Icelandic Little People” by Barb Klombies (and Spirit)

Take a minute to look closely, particularly at the figures in the middle of the painting …

Oh, I see ’em!  Like two, um, ‘fairies,’ sort of strolling through a forest.

Right?  Except in Iceland, Mom says they call them “little people.”  

And as I said, Mom swears she did not paint any of this, but if you look really closely, you can see faces with details … eyes, nose, mouth, chin.  Simply amazing.

Plus, I love the toadstools and fairy door … er, little-people door … in the lower right corner!

Wow, that is SO cool!

In my case …

I seem to lack any sort of artistic skill, so in my case, it was playing golf. 

I had an awesome experience on the golf course … first time after my husband Ron passed that I’d had an opportunity to get out with Dad, something Ron and I had loved to do for many years. 

As the round progressed, I was dumbfounded by how well I was playing, and after it was complete, I realized I’d shot a career-low score.  A score that still stands today!  

I knew at the time it was my husband’s influence because unlike him, I just wasn’t that good!  (As told in … They GOLF in heaven??). 

Cool!  I don’t know nuttin’ ‘bout golf, but I’m a whiz with a paint brush, so maybe …

Absolutely, give it a try. 

That wraps up the DIY options

Okay, that’s the last of the truly “do-it-yourself” options I have to share.  I’m sure there are more out there, but these are the ones that either Beischel writes about or I’ve had experience with that are relatively straightforward for anyone to try. 

Next time, we’ll finish this discussion with a brief introduction to two other options that qualify as “Requested” ADCs, but that don’t realistically fall into the DIY camp because they’re rather complex.  However, they’re becoming more well known so you may come across them. 

Then we’ll wrap up and tackle where to go from there.  Until then …

Let’s Share

Have you felt your loved one’s influence in a creative or active endeavour?  Tell us about it in the Comments below.

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