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Let’s continue our look at ways to communicate with our departed loved ones, following the framework offered by scientist Julie Beischel, PhD in her book Love and the Afterlife.

You mean, there’s more … ??

Yes, indeed.  You may recall she describes four types of after-death communication (ADC).  Through the last few posts, we’ve been exploring the final type … Requested ADCs … a catch-all that includes several options.  (For discussion of the first three types, click here … Spontaneous, Facilitated, Assisted.)  

And these ‘Requested’ ones are, like, ones we can do ourselves, right?

For the most part, yes.  In fact, the options we’ve covered so far in this category are all do-it-yourself … Thought Request, Intuitive Writing, Listening Practice, and Using a Pendulum. 

TYPE 4 – “Requested” ADCs (continued)

You ready to look at one more?

Yeah okay, sure!

Using Cards

One of the communication tools Dr. Beischel writes about is the use of “cards” … Oracle cards, Tarot cards, angel cards, healing cards, or whatever.  There are different types of cards with different names, but it’s all the same basic concept.

In fact, do you remember an earlier post when I introduced using the Thought Request as an option to communicate with a loved one in Spirit?

Yeah, sorta … seems like a long time ago now.

Well, at the time, I shared a personal example to illustrate the point.  I’d received guidance I believed was from my spirit guide … guidance that was super significant for me, so I wanted to make sure I’d actually understood it correctly.

To get this assurance, I’d issued a thought request to Spirit, asking to be shown a specific sign that would serve as confirmation.  The sign I’d chosen was a bald eagle.

Oh, yeah, yeah … that kinda rings a bell.

Anyway, the reason I’m bringing this up now is the original message of guidance I got, the one I was wanting to confirm, actually came through to me using cards, like we’re talking about here.

Really?  Okay, so how do they work?

As with many other tools, you can take training to become skilled in their complexities and nuances, or you can just keep it simple.

Using Cards – The Simple Version

The simple version is a good place to start, and though basic, it can still be very powerful.  It goes like this …

Get hold of one of these decks of cards.  I’ve found the specific type of deck doesn’t really matter … they can all convey meaning.

You’ll find each card will contain a particular message.  It could be something brief like “time for rest and rejuvenation” or it could be lengthy and involved, with an explanation written out in a book that comes along with the cards.

Then, quiet your mind, open your heart, and tune into your person (or spirit guide).  Focus on your question while you shuffle the cards.  When you feel ready, select a card and read its message. 

You sayin’ the card will, like, answer my question … ?

Well, that’s the idea.  The card’s message is typically represented in words and images, and you’ll find that one or both provide insight into your question.

Don’t get me wrong … sometimes it takes interpretation, or you may have to think about it awhile. 

And for me, if I’m asking my spirit guide, I’ve occasionally noticed it’s not an answer to the question I wanted to know, but rather, it’s a message about something I needed to know. 

So, as with many of these communication techniques, it’s important to stay open.

But I have to say, even with all the years I’ve been at this, I’m still blown away by how often the card’s message will relate so directly to my question.  As it did for me that day when I decided I needed follow-up confirmation.

Yeah, so what was this ‘super significant’ message you got you was so skeptical ‘bout?

Well, that’s kind of personal, but I will say it was specific encouragement to pursue a path, one I was definitely keen on but one I wasn’t sure I had the … hmm, the “right stuff” for. 

So, big surprise, I wasn’t comfortable just trusting my own interpretation of the card’s message … I needed a “second opinion.” 

And did ya get it?

Hah! Not only did I get a second opinion, I got a third!  That’s when I knew I really had understood the message. So, I decided to go for it.

And … ?

Well, I’m currently exploring “the path,” so I guess time will tell.  Stay tuned ….

Which card to pick?

Hmm, that sounds intriguing ….  Okay, so how d’ya know which of them cards to pick?

Pick in whatever way works for you … there’s no right or wrong here.  Cut the deck or fan it out and choose the one that catches your eye. 

Or, you might find a card falls out of the deck while you’re shuffling … sometimes multiple cards do.  And if they do, don’t do what I used to … assume I’d just been clumsy and stuff them all back and try again.  Duh.  If it happens, there’s a reason for it, so pay attention to them all.

You see, the whole idea is your spirit person will nudge you to select the most appropriate card(s).

And if I don’t have cards … ?

But what if I don’t have any of them special cards?

They’re widely available in book stores, or you can order them online. Even author Dr. Julie Beischel has created a deck, targeted specifically at receiving guidance in the midst of grief.

You can also go to the website of internationally well-known psychic medium John Holland.  He sells his own cards, but he also makes a tool available for free you can use … 

Try this free tool

On Holland’s website, if you scroll down to “Oracle Reading,” he provides an option (“Daily Oracle Reading”) where you can access a display of several cards lying face-down.  You can go through the same process I just described, but in this case, “click” to get your card.

That sounds kinda fun.

Which is a good mindset to bring to this … or to any interaction with the spirit world.  It seems to work best when we keep it fun and light.  This raises the energy, the frequency, which means we get closer to where they seem to hang out. 

And the closer we get, the easier it is to communicate.

One final DIY option to try … next time

We’re coming close to the end of the truly do-it-yourself options I know about.  There’s just one more we’ll take a look at next time … one that Dr. Beischel also describes in her book.

So what is it?

Inviting our loved ones to join in.

Join in what … ?

Ah ha, good question!  Stick around and find out.

Let’s Share

Do you have any experience using cards like these … whether Oracle, angel, Tarot, etc. … for communicating with Spirit?  Please share your thoughts in the Comments below.

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