Posts in the “At A Glance” category are designed to help find information quickly … certain tools, techniques, concepts which may be imbedded elsewhere on the blog, along with year-end blog summaries.
This “At A Glance” post is quick reference for a spirit communication tool I’ve described more fully elsewhere … the Thought Request. For further context and elaboration, see the original post.
“Thought Request” at a Glance
Our departed loved ones and guides are connected to us so strongly, it appears they can hear us whenever we talk to them … whether we talk out loud or in our head.
So, if we’re wanting to communicate with the spirit world … be it with a departed loved one, spirit guide, angel, or some other higher-level being … the simplest way to do so is by sending a “thought request.”
The Technique
Here’s how it works …
1. Ask a question
As with any spirit communication, first open your heart and focus on who you want to communicate with.
Then go ahead and ask your question or even just for a sign they’re around.
2. Watch for a response
Once you’ve asked, be on the lookout for a response. Be aware … there are many (many) ways they may choose to communicate.
It might be something you hear on TV or read in a book shortly afterward, and you realize that’s the answer or sign you were looking for.
Or you might see it on a billboard, a license plate, or hear it in a song.
Perhaps a message comes unknowingly from someone else … a comment from a friend or family member, even a stranger. Or it may be something that shows up in a dream.
Birds, butterflies, animals are very often involved in helping the Other Side communicate a message … doing things to catch your attention, sometimes just to make it known, “Yes, I’m right here.”
Same for the rainbow that suddenly appears in a cloudless sky, or the coin that turns up out of the blue.
Take note of strange sounds, flickering lights, TVs going off and on by themselves, the use of technology, like texts or phone calls.
Or you may actually feel, hear, or, yes, even see your loved one appear, for a flash of an instant.
(As literally happened for my mother just a few weeks ago … she’d asked Dad to show her he was around and within days she awoke to see him standing there. It was only for a brief moment, but definitely him … an image now seared into her memory. Cool!)
These are just a handful of ideas … there is a lengthy list of possibilities our loved ones can use to connect.
(For a fuller discussion, see this post about “spontaneous” signs, or for a deep dive into the variety of possibilities, check out one of these books … “Signs” by medium Laura Lynne Jackson, or “Hello from Heaven!” that shares over 350 accounts of personal experiences.)
The key here is to be open to how the sign or answer to your question may come, and to notice ANYTHING that snags your attention.
3. Trust the response
But this final step is the most difficult one …
Once you notice what you think might be a response, YOU NEED TO TRUST IT.
It is so very easy to let doubt creep in, or to brush it aside as a “coincidence.” That’s the analytical mind coming in, trying to make sense of it. Happens all the time … to me, anyway.
(Refer back to the original post for an example thought request of mine being answered … then discounted … then answered again. Good grief.)
So, when you catch yourself wondering “Maybe?” … but then shrugging it off with “Naw, just a coincidence” … think again.
Give your loved one the benefit of the doubt. And remember to say thanks!
In summary …
The key to this kind of communication is to be open, watchful, and patient … it may take days. It will happen, but you have to pay attention … and then TRUST IT when it does.
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