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Youhoo!  Let’s pick up from last time and continue our discussion of the many ways we can reach out to connect with our deceased loved ones on the Other Side. 

Is this where we finally talk ‘bout ones we can do ourselves?

Yes, it is.  As a reminder, we’ve been using the framework laid out by scientist Julie Beischel, PhD in her book Love and the Afterlife to guide our discussion. 

Right.  Seems we’ve already gone through a lot ….

For sure.  Beischel describes four types of after-death communication and we’ve discussed the first three …

  • Part 1:  Spontaneous ADCs … the various ways our loved ones will reach out to us on their own, making their presence known or sending us signs.
  • Part 2:  Facilitated ADCs … specific therapies that require trained facilitators.
  • Part 3:  Assisted ADCs … using mediums, though we can learn to do this ourselves. 

So, now it’s time to turn to her fourth and final type …

TYPE 4 – “Requested” ADCs

This last type of after-death communication experience that Dr. Beischel describes is kind of a catch-all.  It’s meant to cover everything not addressed by the first three, and as you suggested, it focuses mostly on ways we can reach out to loved ones ourselves. 

Now you’re talkin’.  Like how?

There are actually many ways … more than Beischel covers and certainly more than I know.  I’ll review what she highlights and will add a few others I’ve come across.  For example, we’ll look at tools and techniques like Thought Request, Oracle Cards, Using a Pendulum, …

Whoa, hold up there!  Thoughts … cards … pendulums??  You sure this is legit?  It all sounds kinda ‘suspicious,’ you ask me. 

I get it, but remember what we’re talking about here … we’re communicating with people who are no longer on the planet.  We can’t just pick up the phone or send an email, right?

Hmm.  Yeah, s’pose ….

And let me be clear, there’s nothing nefarious about any of this.  It’s all above board and perfectly safe.  Which is why much of this is detailed in a book … written by a classically trained scientist.

Oh, right.

You’ll see as we go.  Let’s start with …

Thought Request

Beischel describes or gives examples of many options in this section of her book, but I think the simplest is this one … simply sending a “thought request.”

Waddya mean, ‘thought request’?

Well, she explains that our departed loved ones are connected to us so strongly, it appears they can hear us whenever we talk to them … whether we talk out loud or in our head.  

So, starting a conversation with them is easy … just talk away.

You sure ‘bout that?  I mean, how do I know they’re really there?  And how I’m s’posed to hear them back?

This is how it works.  Ask your loved one a question … or even just ask them to show you a sign they’re listening … and then be on the lookout for a response.

Uh huh.  Sooo … like, how do I do that?

Remember in Part 1 we talked about the signs our loved ones can send us?

Yeah …

It’s like that.  There are all kinds of ways they may choose to communicate.  It might be something you hear on TV or read in a book shortly after you send out your thought request … and you realize, that’s the answer or sign you were looking for. 

Or you might see it on a billboard, a license plate, or hear it in a song.  Perhaps it comes unknowingly from someone else … a comment from a friend or family member, even a stranger.

The key is to be open to how the sign, or answer to your question, may come.

Hmm, got an example … ?

Example Thought Request

Sure.  Recently, I felt I’d received guidance from the spirit world about something significant I’d been wrestling with.  But I wanted to make sure it really was guidance and not just me making it up. 

I’m aware a thought request can be used to reach anyone in Spirit … departed loved ones, spirit guides, angels, higher self, etc.  So, I put one out to my spirit guide, asking for a sign of confirmation. 

I didn’t know what sign to ask for, but “bald eagle” jumped to mind, so I went with it … “Show me a bald eagle, in an unexpected way, sometime in the next 48 hours.”

I added the “unexpected way” part to make sure it was something out of the ordinary, you know, something that would catch my attention.  As for the timeframe, I wanted to (within reason) limit how long this might take. 

Then I let it go.

Sign #1

Within 24 hours, an email arrived, one I subscribe to and usually set aside for days or weeks before reading.  However, on this day, I felt drawn to open it right then. 

The last item was an article about certain wildlife, which were listed and a few were pictured.  As I perused the list, I was startled to see … bald eagles. In the context of the article, this was unexpected, so it definitely caught my attention. 

But I wasn’t sure if this really was a sign, because it was just words, no photo.

Oh, yeah?  Ya mean it has to be a photo?

No, of course not.  And I’m not sure why in the world I had this thought, other than my “analytical mind” trying to find a way to dismiss it.  Good grief.

At any rate, I now had this seed of doubt.  So, I decided I needed another appearance of bald eagles to make itself shown … you know, to be really sure … so I asked again. 

Sign #2

The next evening, I found myself in a gift shop, drawn to a set of holographic bookmarks for sale. 

What’s a hollow grafik … ?

Holographic … you know, a picture that’s 3D … like you can look right “into” the image.

Oh, yeah, seen those things.

Anyway, as I perused this particular circular rack, I glanced to my right, surprised to see a second rack, also circular.  At an angle directly facing me was an image of …

Let me guess … a bald eagle! 

Exactly.  Almost as if to say, “You want a photo?  Hah!  We’ll not only give you a photo, we’ll give you a 3D photo!”

That’s funny.  So, did ya finally clue in … ?

Yeah, this time I did.  I realized I was being given the confirmation I was looking for.  You know, with all I now know, I can’t believe how thick I can still be.  It’s really sooo very easy to let doubt creep in. 

Anyway, the key to this kind of communication is to be open, watchful, and patient … it may take days.  It happens, but you have to pay attention … and you have to trust it when it does. 

Hmm, days … what ‘bout something that happens faster?

Sure, there are ways to communicate more directly.  In fact, you’ll see this as we continue to explore, because there’s much more yet to come! (Click here for Part 4B.)

Let’s Share

Have you tried reaching out to your loved one using thought?  And have they answered back?  Tell us about it in the Comments below. 

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