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Podcast: The Telepathy Tapes

Podcaster: Ky Dickens


I recently came across Ky Dickens’ podcast and was instantly enthralled by what it reveals about the nature of consciousness.

Dickens introduces us to a hidden world populated with non-verbal autistic children and young adults. The prevailing view in society is these individuals are not just physically challenged, but mentally too. You know … not competent, unable to learn.

But this podcast reveals a mind-bending discovery …

Far from being mentally disadvantaged, get this … non-verbal autistics possess extraordinary abilities, including the ability to communicate telepathically! With family, teachers, and friends, at home and over long distances.

Hold on there! Wait just a minute! Did you say sumthin ‘bout, ugh, T-E-L-E-P-A-T-H-Y?? You know that’s just bunk, right? Like, soodoh-science. No one serious pays attention to that fairy tale stuff. Harrumph!

Oh, I was kind of hoping you might give this post a pass. But yet here you are …. Okay, then, let’s back up a bit.

Isn’t telepathy just pseudo-science?

Telepathy is one aspect of what’s more broadly referred to as “psi” (pronounced ‘sigh’) … phenomena that are beyond the usual way we perceive and understand, according to science.

More specifically, psi is commonly defined to include …

  • telepathy (mind-to-mind communication)
  • clairvoyance (gaining information about objects or events without using physical senses)
  • precognition (knowledge of future events)
  • psychokinesis or telekinesis (the ability to move or manipulate objects with the mind).

Heard ‘bout some of this stuff … yeah, it’s ALL just bunk, right?

Well, in truth, there’s been a considerable amount of rigorous scientific research conducted about these phenomena that seems to suggest otherwise.

In fact, it brings to mind one of the books I’ve previously posted … a fascinating description of research in this arena, written by Larry Dossey, MD … The Power of Premonitions.”

Although focused primarily on precognition, Dossey’s book overlaps into other aspects of psi, because everything’s interrelated … it’s all about doing stuff with our minds that we’re not “supposed” to be able to do.

Mind vs. Brain

What does that mean, stuff ‘we’re not s’posed to be able to do’?

You see, the current “materialist” theory followed by the academic and scientific mainstream states that everything that exists in the universe is material, or physical, and can only be created by interactions with other physical things.

So, this theory views thoughts, emotions … consciousness … as entirely a product of physical processes occurring within the brain. And therefore, it’s a servant of the brain, only doing what it’s told.


To put it another way, materialism claims that consciousness is created by the brain, confined to the brain, and dies when the brain dies. Full stop.

But, but … ?

Oh. But wait up … you been sayin’ forever that it’s just our body that dies, and stuff like our mind, personality and all that keeps goin’, so …

Ah ha, you have been listening. Yes, I certainly have been saying this. In fact, this is the entire purpose of my blog … to point out there’s a LOT more to this life than what we perceive with our physical senses.

And of course, the reason I’m comfortable saying this is precisely because of the LARGE volume of research and experience that supports this, including my own experience.

But you see, the mind-bending results being revealed by research into consciousness, including phenomena such as telepathy, are not lining up with what the materialist theory would say our minds are “supposed to be able to do.”

Oh … THAT’s what you mean. You mean, science says this stuff ain’t possible.

Right. Unfortunately, however, instead of exploring these inconsistencies, the scientific establishment tends to dismiss them out of hand as poppycock and not worth any further investigation.

Why does the mainstream reject PSI?

But they’re scientists, right? And aren’t scientists s’posed to, you know, investigate stuff we don’t know about yet?

Indeed they are. That is the ENTIRE point of the scientific method of inquiry.

So, what gives … ?

Hah! Therein lies the proverbial “$64,000 question.” And it’s one of the questions The Telepathy Tapes podcast tries to tackle. As do virtually all books written about scientific research into consciousness.

There’s reason to be cautious

I mean, I understand there’s good reason for the scientific establishment to move slowly.

Yeah … ?

For sure. It’s important to be cautious in changing any theory that has been around for as long as materialism has … which is a very long time.

But there seem to be many scientists and academics who have lost sight of the fact that the materialism theory is still just that … a theory.

Meaning … ?

Meaning unfortunately, that instead of a theory, many accept it as “truth.” And rather than embracing newly emerging findings with curiosity, they’ve closed themselves off to further inquiry.

Some take it even further, publicly attacking and denigrating those who are trying to bring new information to light, even firing them from their jobs and destroying their reputations.

A strategy that has quite understandably silenced the voices of many ….

Wow … sad.

Indeed. Especially since this inhibits much of the evidence that actually has been gathered from coming into public view.

Which is what this podcast is trying to address … bringing new findings to light, and also standing up to their inevitable debunkers (which they’ve posted on their website).

Huh …. Okay then, tell me more ‘bout the podcast.

Tell me about this podcast

As I mentioned, The Telepathy Tapes podcast is produced by Ky Dickens … an award-winning filmmaker of documentaries tackling complex social issues. In fact, she’s a winner of over 20 awards, including audience choice, best film, and best directing honors.

Hmm, sounds good at what she does ….

I think so. Anyway, Dickens’ interest was piqued when she heard an interview with neuroscientist Diane Hennacy Powell, MD, a doctor involved in researching this telepathic phenomenon.

Oh, a doc talkin’ ‘bout telepathy? She one of them quacks … ?

Far from it. Powell is an Integrative Medical Doctor, Neuropsychiatrist, and Psychotherapist, having obtained her medical degree from John Hopkins and spent time on the faculty at Harvard.

Ohhh …

Yeah, it’s easy to see why Dickens’ attention would be captured by listening to an interview with her.

So, Dickens reached out to the doctor about her research, and what she learned intrigued her so much, she decided to launch this podcast.

In the podcast, Dickens starts by undertaking some of her own testing to validate this phenomenon, and then explores more deeply what these autistic children have to share by interacting with them, their parents and teachers, and others.

But that’s just the beginning …

And there’s so much more. Although telepathic communication is at the heart of The Telepathy Tapes, each episode takes us further into discoveries which are, to say the least, mind-blowing.

Like what??

Hmm, I don’t want to be a spoiler … it’s best for you to hear about it first-hand, should you choose. The podcast is easy to follow and understand. It’s professionally produced, and shares the testing, interactions, and discoveries in real time.

By the way, it’s already been a notable success, apparently topping key downloading charts within three months of its release. And it’s now being developed into a full-feature documentary.

Where do I find the podcast?

So, like, where can I find it?

The podcast is available on multiple platforms, and links are listed on the website’s home page, or tune into it here on youtube.

Take note … the series builds on itself, so the best way to follow it and understand all that it reveals is to start with Episode 1 and listen in sequence.

And most important of all … as you do, keep an OPEN mind.

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